ROUTINE MAINTENANCE RO1 – PAVEMENT Patching of pothole Sealing of surface cracks Reinstate edge deterioration of back filled trenches treatment to deterioration of concrete pavement repair to concrete pavement joint Repair to paving blocks and slabs RO2 – MAINTENANCE OF ROAD SHOULDER Re-grading and clearance of vegetationTopping up of shoulders with suitable earth material fillingIrregularities in unseal shouldersFilling pavement/shoulder level difference RO3 – GRASS CUTTING Grass cutting RO4 – MAINTENANCE OF ROAD FURNITURE Cleaning of guardrails and barriersCleaning of signage and postsCleaning of kilometer post and delineator post cleaning of traffic signal aspects RO5 – MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Cleaning of weep holesCleaning of waterway or culvert opening and bridge carriagewayRemoval of vegetation RO7 – DRAINAGE Cleaning of drains and all their components